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Church Fresco Sheds Holy Ointment in Cherkasy Region

13.01.2012, 09:13

A fresco depicting St. Serhii of Radonezh in the Church of the Holy Intercession of the town of Smila of Cherkasy Region suddenly began to shed holy ointment.

A fresco depicting St. Serhii of Radonezh in the Church of the Holy Intercession of the town of Smila in Cherkasy Oblast suddenly began to shed holy ointment.

According to the Cherkasy weekly publication Press Center, it is not the first time that this miracle is happening on the same fresco. According to the believers, last year, the fresco also began to shed rich holy ointment which later suddenly disappeared.

“We do not dare to interpret this event or look for some sacral implications. The miracle indicates one thing – that the Lord’s mercy has not abandoned us, our church. Therefore, we should only pray and thank Him for that favor,” noted the senior priest of the church, Protopriest, Petro Dmytruk.

Upon the appearance of the holy ointment, prayer services for the health of the faithful were celebrated and priests applied the ointment on the sick.

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