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Divine Liturgy to be concelebrated by Ukrainian and Bulgarian Metropolitans at the Phanar on Sunday

19 May, 09:29

A delegation of Bulgarian hierarchs is currently in Constantinople. Metropolitans from the Bulgarian Patriarchate are visiting the Ecumenical Patriarchate and are scheduled to meet with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.

Source: Orthodoxtimes

According to, Metropolitans from the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, under Metropolitan Epifaniy, are also present in the Phanar. Both groups of Hierarchs are expected to concelebrate the Divine Liturgy tomorrow at the Patriarchal Church.

This event is particularly significant as the Bulgarian Patriarchate has not yet officially recognized the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine. It is noteworthy that Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine attended the funeral service of the late Patriarch of Bulgaria, Neophyte. This upcoming liturgical concelebration marks a crucial development, especially considering that the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Patriarchate is set to elect a new Patriarch at the end of June.

Additionally, on Saturday night, the Ecumenical Patriarch will host a dinner for the Bulgarian and Ukrainian Hierarchs in Constantinople, further emphasizing the importance of these interactions.

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