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From UOC-MP to OCU: interactive transition map

26.12.2018, 13:55

The initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, supported by the President of Ukraine, to heal the canonical split in Ukraine, led to the foundation of the autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine at the Unification Council on December 15, 2018.

The initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, supported by the President of Ukraine, to heal the canonical split in Ukraine, led to the foundation of the autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine at the Unification Council on December 15, 2018.

The council was attended by two hierarchs of the UOC (MP), which were the first of this Church to join the OCU. Their cathedrals with their citizens - both, by the way, called Transfiguration Cathedrals – initiated the transition of the UOC-MP communities to the OCU.

Within two weeks after the Unification Council, two dozen such parishes, led by their priests, decided to move to the OCU.

To record all cases of such transfers and their details, the RISU editorial board initiated an interactive map to designate these facts.

The presented map is an attempt to make a catalog of all the highlighted cases where communities switched from the UOC (MP) and to demonstrate the true scale and geography of this phenomenon.

Without specifying these factors, we believe, it is hardly possible to talk about the understanding of the very phenomenon of transfers, their impact on society now and in the future.

The map (see the Ukrainian version of this article) is interactive and will be updated. By clicking on the mark (there are 4 types of them), you can find information: village, name of the church / parish, date of transfer and -- in some cases - the circumstances of jurisdiction change, as well as links to news with the detailed information.

We invite our Ukrainian-speaking readers to sign up for the map updates.

In order to add data about the transition, you need to fill out a small questionnaire. Three fields are obligatory to be filled in: church address, its name and date of transfer. 

This project is edited by RISU without special funding. If you want to contribute to its funding, you can make a donation. 5363 5423 0907 8989 – UAH account, 5168 7422 1321 3188 - USD account.

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