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In Berdiansk, the occupiers use the church for propaganda

12 July, 09:40

In the temporarily occupied Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia region, the invaders use the church for propaganda (e.g. for holding sports events and in education).

This was reported by the head of the Berdiansk Regional State Administration, Victoria Galitsyna, according to Espreso.

According to the head of the RSA, the invaders are trying to infiltrate their clergy into all spheres of city life, creating the illusion of "normalcy" of the occupation regime.

In particular, the other day in Chernihiv district, the occupiers organized an event dedicated to the so-called "Day of Family, Love and Loyalty", involving a representative of the "Berdiansk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate" to hold an "hour of spirituality".

The occupiers also use the church for sporting events.

"Especially alarming is the interference of the church of the occupation regime in the educational sphere - through the "Orthodox gymnasium" created by the occupiers, the latter are trying to control the educational process, impose pro-Russian ideology on young people under the guise of religious education and raise a new generation of FSB officers in cassocks," Galitsyna added.
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