Jewish cemetery in Zaporizhzhia destroyed by Russian shell

Yesterday, 16:00
Jewish cemetery in Zaporizhzhia destroyed by Russian shell - фото 1
On September 24, the Russian army struck four times at Zaporizhzhia's civilian infrastructure in the private sector and at a Jewish cemetery. Soil samples were taken from the crater for laboratory testing.

This was reported by JewishNews.

A pre-trial investigation has been launched in criminal proceedings on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war (Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to rabbi Moshe Reuven Azman, this is a real war crime not only against the Jewish people but against humanity in general.

“If there are still those in the world thinking that Russia has come to Ukraine to 'denazify' it, let them look at the bombed Jewish cemeteries, synagogues, and other historical monuments.

The world must help Ukraine stop this evil!” the rabbi said.

Earlier, Russian shelling also hit Jewish cemeteries in Bila Tserkva, Hlukhiv, the Jewish section of the Berkovetsky cemetery in Kyiv, and the territory of Babyn Yar.