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Members of ecology units of Eastern European Churches and Germany to discuss climate protection

25.10.2018, 14:08

On October 25-27, an international conference Alliance of Religious and Civic Organizations for the Protection of the Climate of Eastern Europe will be held in the Transcarpathian Syniak village in the framework of the project of the German Nature Protection Union. This was reported by Transcarpathia - online.

On October 25-27, an international conference Alliance of Religious and Civic Organizations for the Protection of the Climate of Eastern Europe will be held in the Transcarpathian Syniak village in the framework of the project of the German Nature Protection Union. This was reported by Transcarpathia - online.

The purpose of the event is the creation of the IRCEF Climate Protection Committee Program; the approval of the IRCEF Climate Protection Committee and the working group of the Committee (1-2 representatives from each country), which will coordinate the joint work in their countries. As well as discussing the prospects for finding the funding for the IRCEF Program.

The international conference in Syniak summarizes the East European Contest called Responsibility for Creation and Protection of the Climate of Eastern Europe. In particular, a methodological manual for religious and territorial communities on climate protection will be presented; children's book-coloring; a collection of materials of the East European Contest Responsibility for Creation and Protection of the Climate of Eastern Europe; Ecological Calendar of the Oriental Churches in 2019; a digital collection of critical publications on climate protection, as well as other initiatives that we have planned in the framework of the project.

IRCEF member organizations will discuss the development and implementation of climate protection awareness days (public lectures and roundtables) for religious communities and activists from non-governmental environmental organizations. The conference will feature our printed publications, as well as award winners and active participants in the Responsibility for Creation and Protection of the Climate of Eastern Europe competition.

Delegates from the ecology units of churches and religious organizations, as well as representatives of NGOs, authorities, mass media and the academia of Eastern European countries and Germany are invited to the international conference (15 representatives from abroad are expected from Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Belarus and Germany) as well as at least 40 participants from Ukraine.

Tags: #Ecology
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