Moscow Patriarchate is present in Ukraine contrary to church canons, - head of the OCU
The Primate of the OCU clearly explained to Moscow and the Russian Orthodox Church:
"The Russian Orthodox Church is one of the local churches, and it is as such that we perceive it – our daughter, born from the Dnieper Font due to the missionaries who preached the Gospel, having dispersed from Kyiv throughout Russia. So, just like with other local churches, we want to have full communion with this church, like the autocephalous Ukrainian Church with the autocephalous Russian Church," the Metropolitan stated in his report at the Council.
The head of the OCU also explained to the Russian Orthodox Church that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine is the only one that has canonical jurisdiction for Orthodox Christians in Ukraine. Other jurisdictions, primarily the Moscow Patriarchate, if they are located here, then contrary to the canons and the usual order.
"In this matter, everyone should proceed from the established and unchangeable new canonical reality that has emerged for Ukraine and Ecumenical Orthodoxy... This reality lies in the fact that just as each local church has exclusive canonical jurisdiction on its territory, so the Orthodox Church of Ukraine is the only one that has canonical jurisdiction for Orthodox Christians in Ukraine. Other jurisdictions, primarily the Moscow Patriarchate, if they are located here, then contrary to the canons and the usual order. Therefore, sooner or later everyone should settle their situation, follow the Tomos and unite with the Orthodox Church of Ukraine or get its consent to a certain form of their temporary presence in the oicononomia."
Metropolitan Epifaniy also noted:
"The Moscow Patriarchate should abandon the old vain hopes that over time or with the help of the powerful, it will be able to regain church power over Ukraine, as happened in past centuries. The Tomos of autocephaly permanently established that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine is one of the local churches in the diptych of Universal Orthodoxy, with corresponding duties and rights. These rights include full participation in Pan-Orthodox meetings, meetings and meetings. It should be emphasized that any initiatives to discuss Ukrainian Church affairs without involving the Orthodox Church of Ukraine are initially doomed to failure, and hopes to solve something about us without us are in vain. The course and results of the meeting in Amman in February of this year once again showed this."