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National Council for TV and Radio Broadcasting charges the main communist of Ukraine with inciting religious and national hatred on TV

14.06.2021, 09:52

The National Council for TV and Radio Broadcasting has appointed an unscheduled offsite inspection of the Maxi-TV channel (Nasha Praga LLC, Kyiv) because of the statements of Petro Symonenko he made live on TV that can incite religious and national hatred and hostility, aggravate and destabilize the socio-political situation in Ukraine.

According to Ukrinform, this is reported by the press service of the Regulator.

"Monitoring of the Maxi-TV broadcast for May 4, 2021, recorded a live broadcast of the marathon program with presenters Artem Nikiforov and Olga Veremiy, which was attended by people's deputy of Ukraine of the II-VII convocations Petro Symonenko. During the TV program, the guest of the program expressed opinions that have signs of inciting religious and national hatred and hatred," the report says.

As noted, the program was rebroadcast on May 5. This time, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine became the object of Simonenko's negative and disparaging statements. The program repeatedly broadcast statements that go beyond a critical attitude to the religious beliefs of a significant number of Ukrainian citizens, believers of this church, as well as a critical assessment of the activities of the church itself. The spokesman groundlessly emphasized that the activities of the OCU are aggressive, anti-social and criminal in nature since they "split Orthodoxy", function "in order to split Ukrainian society" etc.

The National Council noted that Petro Symonenko used the narratives of the Russian Federation regarding the fighting in the east of the country, calling them "civil war", discriminatory, offensive and provocative terms with a negative connotation - "the regime of pro-fascist sense", "the policy of State fascization", "the path of neo-fascism", "neo-fascists and organized crime" in relation to the political leadership of the country, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies, Ukraine's allies in the fight against Russian aggression, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in order to brand them, comparing them with Generally Recognized historical examples and examples of misanthropy, in order to sow fear and hatred both for individual citizens of Ukraine and the state as a whole, incite national hatred, aggravate and destabilize the socio-political situation in Ukraine.

Therefore, in the period from June 29 to July 9, 2021, inclusive, the regulator will conduct an audit of Maxi-TV regarding its compliance with paragraph four of Part Two of Article 6 and Paragraph A) of part one of Article 59 of the law of Ukraine "on television and radio broadcasting" and then make a decision in accordance with the current legislation.

As reported by Ukrinform, the National Council for TV and Radio Broadcasting considered the results of an unscheduled offsite inspection of LLC "NASH 365" (logo "NASH"), Kyiv, and for violating the requirements of Ukrainian legislation, applied a warning and a penalty in the amount of more than UAH 110,000 to the broadcaster.

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