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"Not a trace of Orthodoxy left in the Moscow Patriarchate," - Hierarch of the Church of Finland

11 June, 14:44

The Metropolitan of the Autonomous Orthodox Church of Finland of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Archbishop Leo of Helsinki, stated that "there is no trace of Orthodoxy left in the Moscow Patriarchate".

This is stated in an article by the Orthodox Times, which Metropolitan Yevstratiy (Zorya) translated and posted on his Facebook page.

While speaking to the Council of the Church of Finland, Archbishop Lev stated:

“The Orthodox family of churches is at present in crisis and badly divided. Our modern age has given rise to a new totalitarian myth and ideology in the guise of Orthodoxy, which does not, in reality, represent Christianity at all.

A few years ago, I was still able to recognize some vestiges of Orthodoxy in the Patriarchate of Moscow, but they have now been replaced by a blend of Russian Messianism, Orthodox fascism and ethnophyletism. The last-mentioned heresy was condemned by the local synod of Constantinople 152 years ago.

Russia now views itself as the only force for good in the world, with the task of opposing the West, which has lapsed into evil. This, in turn, represents a Manichean heresy in which the world is divided into opposites: light and darkness, good and evil, and so on.”

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