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OPU Deputy Trofimov interferes with Church policy for the benefit of Moscow Patriarchate, - media

24.02.2020, 11:26

The coordinator of religious processes in the Office of President Zelensky is the Deputy Head of the Office, Serhiy Trofimov, a former producer of "95 Kvartal", who does not conceal his sympathies for the Russian Church.

The coordinator of religious processes in the office of President Zelensky is the Deputy Head of the Office, Serhiy Trofimov, a former producer of "95 Kvartal", who does not conceal his sympathies for the Russian Church. It is reported by "Glavcom", according to Channel 5.

"Trofimov is an ardent parishioner of the Moscow Patriarchate, so to speak, an affiliate who maintains friendly relations and constant contact with the Moscow Church, Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanych)," the message reads.

The media outlet notes that Trofimov consults with the Metropolitan even on political and personnel issues, in particular regarding the appointment of key leaders in regional administrations.

The article refers to Trofimov's visit to Bukovina at the end of November last year as an example. Then he promised the priest of the Moscow Church to personally study the cases of re-registration of Bukovina churches, which supporters of Onufriy and Kirill call illegal.

In addition, the Bankova street strongly relies on the position of the head of the State Ethnic Policy, religious scholar Andriy Yurash, who can rather be called a supporter of Ukrainian autocephaly, and who became the winner of the relevant competitions.

The publication suggests that the office of the head of State Ethnic Policy and religious policy as such is part of a plan to bring the positions of Moscow and Kyiv closer together, as a result of which the Moscow Patriarchate should regain the positions lost under the previous President. 

Serhiy Trofimov is the person who promotes and implements this plan because he is responsible for the HR policy in the regions. However, it is there that registration battles are taking place and the transition of religious communities of the Ukrainian Church is being obstructed.

"The Pro-Moscow fifth church column helps Trofimov imlement the said plan. Its activity can be tracked by the number and frequency of criticism that is replicated by the ROC websites at certain points. The system work is visible to the naked eye," the article says.

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