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Order of the XXV World Russian People's Council "Present and Future of the Russian World"

03 April, 08:55

This document, summarizing the most significant proposals put forward within the framework of the work of the expert platforms and during the Plenary Session, is a program document of the XXV World Russian People's Council, as well as an order addressed to the legislative and executive authorities of Russia.

1. Special military operation

The Special Military Operation is a new stage of the national liberation struggle of the Russian people against the criminal Kiev regime and the collective West behind it, conducted in the lands of South-Western Rus’ since 2014. During the SMO, the Russian people with arms in their hands defends its life, freedom, statehood, civilizational, religious, national, and cultural identity, as well as the right to live on their own land within the borders of the united Russian state. From a spiritual and moral point of view, the special military operation is a Holy War, in which Russia and its people, defending the unified spiritual space of the Holy Rus’, fulfills the mission of the "Holder", protecting the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the West that has fallen into Satanism.

After the end of SMO all territory of modern Ukraine should enter into a zone of exclusive influence of Russia. The possibility of the existence on this territory of a Russophobic political regime hostile to Russia and its people, as well as a political regime governed from an external center hostile to Russia, must be completely ruled out.

2. Russian world

Russia is the creator, and protector of the Russian World. The borders of the Russian World as a spiritual and cultural-civilizational phenomenon are significantly wider than the state borders of both the present Russian Federation and the greater historical Russia. Along with the representatives of the Russian oikumene scattered all over the world, the Russian World includes all those for whom the Russian tradition, the shrines of the Russian civilization and the great Russian culture are the highest value and meaning of life.

The highest meaning of existence of Russia and the Russian World created by it — their spiritual mission — is to be the world's "Restrainer", protecting the world from evil. The historical mission is to permanently destroy attempts to establish universal hegemony in the world, attempts to subordinate humanity to a single evil principle.

Construction of millennial Russian statehood is the highest form of political creativity of Russians as a nation. The division and weakening of the Russian people, deprivation of its spiritual and vital forces has always led to the weakening and crisis of the Russian state. Therefore, the restoration of the unity of the Russian people, as well as its spiritual and vital potential are the key conditions for the survival and successful development of Russia and the Russian world in the XXI century.

The family is the foundation of Russian national life and the inner stronghold of the tradition of the Russian world. It is the most stable, conservative institution of society, responsible for the intergenerational transmission of basic ideas about the world and human being, for imparting the most important social skills and roles (man and woman, father and mother, citizen, etc.), for the preservation and transmission of the civilizational worldview, national idea, as well as traditional spiritual and moral values. Being the most important school of education of a personality, the family not only helps a person to cognize the world around him, but also teaches him love, kindness and compassion, gives him the most important moral ideas and guidelines.

3. Foreign Policy

Russia should become one of the leading centers of the multipolar world, leading integration processes and ensuring security and stable development throughout the post-Soviet space. Being the geopolitical center of Eurasia, located at the intersection of the global axes West-East and North-South, Russia should regulate the balance of strategic interests and act as a bulwark of security and a just world order in the new multipolar world. The reunification of the Russian people should become one of the priority tasks of Russia's foreign policy. Russia should return to the doctrine of the triunity of the Russian people, which has existed for more than three centuries, according to which the Russian people consists of Great Russians, Malorussians and Belarusians, which are branches (sub-ethnoses) of one people, and the concept of "Russian" covers all Eastern Slavs — descendants of historical Rus’. In addition to recognition and development in domestic science, the doctrine of trinity should be legislated, becoming an integral part of the Russian system of law. Triunity should be included in the normative list of Russian spiritual and moral values and receive appropriate legal protection.

Russia should become a state of refuge for all compatriots of the world suffering from the onslaught of Western globalism, wars, and discrimination. In addition to compatriots, our country can become a refuge for millions of foreigners who uphold traditional values, are loyal to Russia and are ready for linguistic and cultural integration in our country.

4. Family and demographic policy

The main threat to the existence and development of Russia is the demographic catastrophe that our country is experiencing. To survive in the XXI century, to preserve its sovereignty and its own civilizational identity, Russia needs sustainable, and most importantly, intensive natural population growth. The solution to this problem is impossible without the revival of the traditional large family in Russia, as well as traditional family values.

A strong family with many children, its protection and welfare, the growth of the birth rate and the fight against abortion must be placed at the center of all state policy. The family and its well-being should be recognized as the main national development goal and a strategic national priority of the Russian Federation. Corresponding amendments should be made to key strategic planning documents of the Russian Federation.

A set of measures should be developed and implemented to incentivize couples to have a third and subsequent child. One of such measures could be the introduction of partial or full write-off of mortgage debt depending on the birth of the next child in the family (for example, after the birth of the third child 50% of the debt is written off, after the birth of the fourth child — 75%, after the birth of the fifth child the mortgage debt is paid off in full).

It is necessary to introduce a set of measures to incentivize employers to hire parents with many children, first of all, fathers with many children. One such measure could be the introduction of benefits for employers to pay insurance premiums levied on payments and other remuneration in favor of employees who are parents with many children.

It is necessary to develop and adopt a new Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation, in which key demographic indicators should be radically revised. Armed with the thesis of the great Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev that "the highest goal of politics is most clearly expressed by the development of conditions for human reproduction", the state should set itself a long-term strategic goal — to bring the population of Russia to the "Mendeleevian" 600 million people within a hundred years of sustainable demographic growth.

The state must take exhaustive measures to protect the family and family values from the propaganda of abortion, sexual licentiousness, and debauchery, as well as sodomy and various sexual perversions. Chastity and virtue, traditional for the Russian people, must return to Russian society. All Russian culture, especially mass culture, should work to create in society the cult of the family, large families, marital fidelity, responsible parenthood, and the attractiveness of family life. Preparation for family formation and family life should be the goal of school education. The moral foundations of family life (family studies) should be included in the list of compulsory school subjects.

The attitude of Russian society towards abortion should be radically changed. Since ancient times, the Church has regarded the intentional termination of pregnancy (abortion) as a grave sin. Canonical rules equate abortion with murder. The justification of intentionally staying pregnant, leading to a veritable abortion epidemic, must be stopped. Amendments to federal law should be drafted and enacted to prohibit advocating as well as inducing abortion in the absence of medical or social indications. Administrative and criminal liability should be introduced for the commission of these acts. In addition, it is necessary to prohibit by law the performance of abortions by non-State medical organizations by amending the Federal Law "On licensing certain types of activities" of 04.05.2011 No. 99-ФЗ, the Federal Law "On the basis of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation" of 21.11.2011 No. 323-ФЗ, as well as other normative legal acts providing for the introduction of a ban on the performance of abortions by medical organizations that are not part of the State and municipal health care systems.

In order to systematize and put into practice the numerous proposals in the field of demography, it is necessary to develop a set of scientifically grounded measures of demographic and pronatalist policy, the application of which in practice will lead to a real increase in the number of families with many children, as well as to an increase in the birth rate — an increase in the total fertility rate (TFR). To test the effectiveness of the proposed measures, as well as to develop their optimal combination, the developed demographic and pronatalist measures should be tested in the territories of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the format of pilot projects. After that, the proven effective practices should be scaled up to the entire Russian Federation, with amendments to the relevant strategic planning documents, as well as normative legal acts of the federal and regional level.

5. Migration policy

An effective demographic policy is impossible without a new migration policy.

Uncontrolled mass influx of foreign labor leads to underpayment of native workers and their subsequent replacement by migrants in entire sectors of the domestic economy. The massive influx of migrants who do not speak Russian and do not have a proper understanding of Russian history and culture, and therefore are unable to integrate into Russian society, is changing the image of Russian cities, which leads to the deformation of the country's unified legal, cultural, and linguistic space. Closed ethnic enclaves, which are breeding grounds for corruption, organized ethnic criminality, and illegal migration, are emerging and actively grow in the largest cities. Living under their own rules, they serve as a breeding ground for extremism and terrorism and are a source of enormous tension in society.

Under these circumstances, Russia needs:

— the amendment of the current Concept of Migration Policy of the Russian Federation for 2019-2025, as well as in introducing the said amendments into Russian migration legislation;

— the development and adoption of a new version of the "migration code" (draft Federal Law "On the Conditions of Entry (Exit) and Stay (Residence) in the Russian Federation for Foreign Persons and Stateless Persons");

— the adoption of the amendments that significantly increase criminal and administrative liability for crimes and offenses in the field of external migration;

— the improvement of legislation regulating issues of Russian citizenship, as well as the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of compatriots.

The above strategic planning documents, as well as federal laws, should be developed based on new conceptual approaches that correspond to the new conditions, as well as the challenges and threats that Russia will face in the coming years due to the rapidly changing military-political and geo-economic situation in the world.

The main priorities of the new migration policy of the Russian Federation should be:

1. Protection of Russian families, their socio-economic rights, and interests. Creating conditions that guarantee employment of Russian citizens and a high level of income for Russian families;

2. Protection of the Russian civilizational identity, the unity of the legal, cultural and linguistic space of the country. Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the Russian and other indigenous peoples of Russia;

3. Protection of the domestic labor market, ensuring scientific and technological development of the Russian economy, growth of labor productivity;

4. implementation of effective state control, as well as planning and management of external migration flows;

5. Creating conditions conducive to the mass repatriation of compatriots to Russia, as well as the relocation of foreign highly qualified specialists, scientists, investors and their family members who are loyal to Russia and ready for linguistic and cultural integration;

6. Significant restriction of the inflow of foreign low-skilled foreign labor force to the Russian Federation. Introduction of the principle of maximum legal and economic responsibility of employers for foreign workers attracted by them;

7. Ensuring anti-terrorist security, countering illegal migration and ethnic crime.

6. Education and upbringing

The assimilation of worldview ideas and spiritual and moral values of Russian civilization is the most important aspect in the nationalization of modern Russian elites, as well as in the education of future generations of Russian citizens. The solution of the above task requires the sovereignty of the national education system.

Domestic educational programs, as well as programs of upbringing should be purified from destructive ideological concepts and attitudes, primarily Western ones, that are alien to the Russian people and destructive for the Russian society. A new socio-humanitarian paradigm based on the Russian civilizational identity and traditional Russian spiritual and moral values should be developed and introduced into the domestic teaching of social and humanitarian disciplines.

Solving the problem of building a new socio-humanitarian paradigm involves:

— a critical review of Western scientific theories and schools (primarily in the field of social and humanitarian sciences) for their conformity to the sovereign Russian worldview, their usefulness or destructiveness for strengthening the people's self-consciousness;

— revision of the body of humanitarian knowledge, generally accepted theories and concepts on the basis of their correlation with the system of worldview ideas and moral values of Russian civilization;

— restructuring of methodological systems, standards and assessments without regard to international (and in fact, imposed by the West) criteria and models;

— reforming the domestic education system to bring it in line with the basic parameters of the sovereign Russian worldview.

To implement the Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values, approved by Presidential Decree No. 809 of 09.11.2022, in the field of education, it is necessary to develop and adopt a package of regulatory legal documents and methodological materials specifying and clarifying the key provisions of Decree No. 809 as applied to domestic secondary and higher education.

7. Spatial and urban development

Ensuring a significant increase in the birth rate requires a spatial transformation of Russia — a fundamental change in the policy of spatial and urban development.

In practice, this should mean:

— refusal of priority development of large and largest urban agglomerations, mass construction of apartment buildings, as well as overconcentration of labor resources and productive forces in megacities;

— transition to the traditional for Russia even distribution of population and productive forces over the territory of the country by means of mass resettlement of city dwellers to well-appointed suburban settlements and individual residential houses;

— change of priorities in the development of the domestic construction industry in favor of mass individual construction carried out by industrial method, which in 10-15 years should reach at least 70-80% of the total number of houses erected in the country.

The achievement of the above tasks requires urgent development and adoption of new versions of the Fundamentals of the State Policy of Regional Development, the Strategy of Spatial Development, as well as amendments to the current version of the Strategy of Development of the Construction Industry and Housing and Communal Services.

The main objective of the new state policy of regional development, spatial and urban development policy, as well as the development of the construction industry should be to ensure sustainable natural growth of Russia's population achieved through high birth rates (demographic principle). The main criterion for assessing efficiency in the above-mentioned areas of public administration should be the change in the indicators of the total fertility rate (TFR).

The primacy of the demographic principle implies that the new edition of the Basics of State Policy for Regional Development and the Strategy for Spatial Development will enshrine the priority of state interests aimed at ensuring the well-being of families and the growth of the birth rate over the interests of Russian natural monopolies when deciding on the distribution of production forces across the country's territory. From the territory of sixteen megacities and depopulated vast spaces, by 2050 Russia should turn into an evenly populated and developed low-rise country of 1000 revitalized medium and small towns — into the Gardarika of the XXI century. Suburban settlements should become the main type of settlements in the country, 80% of the Russian population (or more than 30 million Russian families) should live in their own individual houses on their own land. When settling and developing territories, priority should be given to issues of security, employment, level of real income, favorable environment, healthy food, comfortable housing, availability of high technologies, as well as information, social and transport infrastructure. Life on one's own land, in ecologically favorable and comfortable conditions, in one's own comfortable home, in which one can start a family, give birth and raise three or more children, should become a visible embodiment of the ideas of the Russian World.

8. Economic development

Russia needs a sovereign and efficient economy based on full control over its own monetary and financial system, as well as on the advanced development of industries, technologies and production of the new (sixth) technological mode.

The main goals of the domestic economy should be to increase the real welfare of Russian families, increase the number of jobs, ensure the growth of the birth rate, settle and develop Russia's vast spaces, ensure the country's sovereignty and defense capabilities, as well as the competitiveness of Russian technologies, goods and services in the domestic and foreign markets.

To formulate proposals aimed at achieving the above goals, the Social and Economic Committee of the VRNS has developed a program of advanced socio-economic development of Russia "Social Justice and Economic Growth".

English translation by RISU

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