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Patriarch Sviatoslav Comments on Language Situation

06.07.2012, 12:49

The Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) commented on the language situation in an interview to 24th Channel.

As he commented on the situation regarding the scandalous language bill passed by the Supreme Council, the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) stressed in an interview to 24th Channel that the question of the language concerns one of the deepest aspects of the human soul and, therefore, one must not manipulate it.

When we speak about the language or respect for the language spoken by a particular person, we speak about the respect for the human personality. As we observe the events in our state, we can feel disrespect for what is important and sacred for each person. When the question of the language finds expression in various bills, there is manipulation of what is the most sacred for each person,” said Patriarch Sviatoslav.  

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