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Patriarch Sviatoslav Condemns Selling of Votes

06.09.2012, 13:00

In an interview to Ukrayinska Pravda, Patriarch Sviatoslav described the election campaign process in Ukraine.

In an interview to Ukrayinska Pravda, Patriarch Sviatoslav described the election campaign process in Ukraine.

"Firstly, our voters are desperate now. And instead of providing normal conditions of existence to these people, they are offered a handout which is one hundredth of what they are entitled to. However, our people are very gullible. They respond positively to these handouts.

"The second aspect is corruption. The very fact that some people buy votes and others are ready to sell them is a glaring instance of corruption. Corruption always implies the existence of two participants. That is probably why corruption is manifested the most during elections. 

"Recently, I heard a word combination 'cheap voters.' I  thought that one must really despise the voters to describe them that way.

"Buying and selling votes is selling our Motherland, our future.

"Thirdly, our society, in a way, does not resist the breakdown. I regret to say it, but it is a fact. There is a fact of selective justice in Ukraine," stressed the patriarch.  

As for political agitation conducted by some priests, Patriarch Sviatoslav said: "A priest cannot tell anyone specifically whom to vote for. It is not his objective as the priest should point to the eternal truths which are to be realized in public life, particularly civil responsibility. He should educate the people. But if he dictates certain behavior to them, he will thereby treat his parishioners as foolish children who are not capable of telling good from evil. I think our people are rather conscious, sometimes more conscious than those who wish to manipulate them. Our church decided to prohibit the priests to agitate at its synod. If they do it, they will be subjected to disciplinable penalties."

The head of the Ukrainian Greek Cathlic Church shared the way he makes his choice: "I am trying not to be gullible. I am trying not to pay attention to secondary things. I am trying to analyze whether a political force is capable of changing anything in the country. Therefore, I would like to see the programs of the parties in order to make my final choice. It is not easy for me as an ordinary voter today as well."

The full text of the interview in English will be posted by RISU next week.                               


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