Pope at Easter Urbi et Orbi: Light of Easter on Ukraine and Russia

09.04.2023, 13:44
World news
Pope at Easter Urbi et Orbi: Light of Easter on Ukraine and Russia - фото 1
Following the Easter Sunday Mass, Pope Francis delivers his Easter message and blessing "To the City and the World", underscoring the joyous hope that Christ's resurrection brings and encouraging Christians to rediscover the joy of serving God, working for peace, and helping our brothers and sisters in a world marked by so much suffering.

Source: Vaticannews

The Pope prayed for peace for the "beloved Ukrainian people" and that the light of Easter may shine on the people of Russia.

May the Lord "comfort the wounded and all who have lost loved ones due to the war," he continued, and may prisoners return home and the entire international community strive to end war globally.

The Pope spoke of Syria, still awaiting peace, and earthquake victims there and in neighboring Turkey where our continued solidarity is needed.