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RISU Marks Its 11th Anniversary

01.02.2012, 13:44

Eleven years ago, the editorial office of the Religious Information Service of Ukraine was established.

Eleven years ago, the editorial office of the Religious Information Service of Ukraine was established.

During the last year, we conducted a number of events within the framework of celebration of our 10th anniversary. A year ago, we held a presentation of the strategic concept of development of RISU and a roundtable on the problems of covering religious themes in mass media.

Last May, RISU with its partners held a two-day conference “The Church in the Information Society” in the sunny and multidenominational Odesa with the participation of over 30 experts and nearly 200 participants.

In May-June 2011, the first Blessed Karol Wjityla’s Competition was held, which was initiated by RISU.

Last October, the Competition in Religious Local History and Tourism was finished. This was RISU’s third event to popularize the sacral heritage and history of Ukraine.

In December 2011, RISU became a partner in organizing the Second Media Mobilization Conference in Kyiv.

The staff of the editorial office of RISU also organized and helped to organize information campaigns for several events and held trainings for religious organizations regarding the possibilities of media ministry and social communication.

As part of the implementation of the strategic concept, RISU plans to hold a few other events in 2012 including the Blessed Karol Wojtyla’s Competition, the next conference “The Church in the Information Society" and to launch new forms of reporting.

On February 1, we will introduce a separate column for world news on the home page. We also intend to conduct more journalistic investigations and expert evaluations.

The monitoring of religious freedom in Ukraine and information support and protection of those persecuted because of their religious beliefs remains a priority for us.

All these activities as well as the intensification of our activity would be impossible without the financial support received by RISU from foreign church and human rights foundations. We hope that support of RISU by Ukrainian organizations and ordinary people will become a tradition.

It is now easier to support RISU using bank cards or electronic accounts online. For details please visit the RISU portal.

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