Rostyslav Karandieiev met with representatives of the U.S. Jewish community to discuss the protection of cultural heritage

Rostyslav Karandieiev met with representatives of the U.S. Jewish community to discuss the protection of cultural heritage - фото 1
On June 19, the Acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, Rostyslav Karandieiev, met with representatives of the Jewish community of the United States of America at the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy. The parties discussed the prospects for the development of Jewish culture in Ukraine, as well as cooperation in protecting cultural heritage from Russian aggression.

This is reported by the press service of the MCIP, according to Ukrinform.

“The Jewish cultural and historical heritage is an integral and organic part of Ukraine’s historical heritage. Our peoples' coexistence and cultural contacts have a tradition spanning thousands of years. Today, due to russian aggression, all cultural sites in our country are suffering, regardless of their ethnic and cultural identity. It is crucial to protect all this heritage. It is important to preserve it for our descendants. This is why Ukrainians and Jews in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are defending Ukrainian lands from the enemy together,” said Acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, Rostyslav Karandieiev.

Rostyslav Karandieiev met with representatives of the U.S. Jewish community to discuss the protection of cultural heritage - фото 135980
The ministry notes that many cities and towns in Ukraine have preserved Jewish cemeteries, synagogues, and places of Jewish history. Many of them have the status of cultural heritage monuments and are under state protection. One such central place of remembrance is Babyn Yar in Kyiv, which has the status of a nature reserve. There are also places of pilgrimage of the Jewish people in Uman, Medzhybizh, Belz, and others.
During the meeting, particular attention was given to the protection of the grave of Tzadik Nachman, which is under the communal ownership of the Uman City Council. This site is listed in the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine. Today, it is a historical landmark of local importance located within the State Historical and Architectural Reserve “Old Uman” territory.
Rostyslav Karandieiev met with representatives of the U.S. Jewish community to discuss the protection of cultural heritage - фото 135981
The representatives of the MCIP noted that the basis for cooperation and dialogue in the field of Jewish cultural heritage preservation is the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Cultural Heritage" and the 1994 agreement between the governments of the United States and Ukraine "On the Protection and Preservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage".