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SBU conducted a search at the Metropolitan of the UOC-MP Feodosiy. The hierarch had a heart attack

22 February, 13:55

On February 22, the Metropolitan of Cherkasy Feodosiy (Snigiryov) was called an ambulance. This was reported by the press service of the UOC-MP Eparchy of Cherkasy.

This was reported by the press service of the Cherkasy Diocese of the UOC MP.

The heart attack was caused by the "visit" of law enforcement agencies to Metropolitan Feodosiy, who is involved in criminal cases.

As noted by the diocese, the SBU arrived with searches early in the morning, and Divine Liturgy in the Metropolitan's home church was disrupted.

As a result, the hierarch had a heart attack. Ambulance medics provided emergency assistance and are deciding on hospitalization.

It should be noted that this is not the first visit of the SBU to Metropolitan Feodosiy.

As previously reported, Metropolitan Longuin (Zhar) of the UOC-MP underwent his second heart surgery on February 19.

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