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Scary books about Tomos distributed by OCU-MP in Athens, where the Council on Recognition of the OCU convened

10.10.2019, 14:46

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine (former UOC-MP) arrived in Athens on the third day of the Bishops' Council of the Greek Church, who distribute books to Greek bishops about the alleged forcible seizure of Churches for the benefit of the OCU.

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine (former UOC-MP) arrived in Athens on the third day of the Bishops' Council of the Greek Church, who distribute books to Greek bishops about the alleged forcible seizure of Churches for the benefit of the OCU.

As the correspondent of TSN reports from the scene, a brochure called “Reverse side of Tomos”, published by the Russian-backed “Union of Orthodox Journalists”, was even translated into Greek. The cover of the book features phrases like “Tomos Brings Civil War” and “Atheists Seized the Temple.”

The book itself presents the "testimony" of believers of the UOC-MP. As the direct participants of conflicts between believers, in particular, in Rivne region, told to TSN, the information presented in the brochure does not correspond to reality – "It's all entire lie". At the same time, the website of the "Union of Orthodox Journalists" reported about the publication of the book "Reverse side of Tomos" only today.

The ROC delegation will stay in Athens until Saturday afternoon. As it became known, on Saturday, the Greek Church decides to recognize the OCU: Ukraine will devote a whole day of the Bishops' Council.

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