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The Head of the UGCC: family is the first environment where we truly become ourselves

08.06.2020, 15:44
His Beatitude Sviatoslav
Photo source: UGCC

Having a father and a mother is a fundamental right of every child. Every child has the natural right to be born and raised in a family.

This was stated by the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav on June 7 during the annual telemarathon "Ukraine for the Family."

For the fourth year running, in Ukraine, at the initiative of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, a rally for the protection of the rights of children and families has been held. This year, due to quarantine measures, this rally was transformed into a telemarathon "Ukraine for the Family."

First of all, the Primate noted that being a Christian in the modern world means testifying to one's faith by one's actions, deeds, and way of life.

“Our lives are a confession of our faith, not so much in words as in the testimony of our personal lives. That is why always, at the beginning of June, the Christians of Ukraine try to demonstrate to the general public the fundamental values ​​by which we live, which we approve and cultivate in our Christian church communities," the Head of the Church said.

According to him, the value of the family is one of the greatest and most important gifts of God for the man.

In this testimony, the UGCC unites together with representatives of various Churches and denominations, in particular with the Muslim and Jewish brothers. "The entire All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations today says that the family was created by God. The family is the most important cell of any society, which was designed by our Creator even before other types of social life appeared,” added the spiritual leader of Ukrainians.

In his opinion, today we need to bring these values, which we consider important, into a new world, into a new culture that appears before our eyes. The family is God's recipe for modern man, the Primate believes, in order to free him from the shackles of loneliness. "Perhaps in the context of the pandemic," he said, "when one person becomes afraid of another, separates from him, and often feels lonely and abandoned, family values ​​become the joyful Word of God, the path to happiness."

"The family is the first environment where we really become ourselves, where we learn to be human,” the Head of the Church notes.

"We want to say that together we support and want to take care of the Ukrainian family. We want all people of good will to join us. We want our government to take care of the special program of support for the Ukrainian family. May this event be another good opportunity to rediscover the value and holiness of the Christian marriage and the family as such," wished His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

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