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"The minority supporting the Moscow Patriarchate believes that ties with the latter might still be of use," - MP Pavlenko about the "servants"

06 August, 07:30

The minority that supports the Moscow Patriarchate believes that ties with the latter might still be of use, be it in negotiations with Russia or in future elections.

This was stated by MP Rostyslav Pavlenko on the Espreso TV channel.

"A small group of people who serve Putin and Kirill are stronger than the entire Ukrainian state. Yet, it has not always been so. The Ukrainian Church won the Tomos with the help of the Ukrainian state. However, to finally oust Moscow's influence, and to ensure that the Moscow Patriarchate does not influence the minds and hearts of Ukrainians, we must do one simple thing - put to a vote and support a law that gives specific mechanisms for the Ukrainian state to be stronger than the aggressor state's influence in this particular issue. The minority supporting the Moscow Patriarchate believes that ties with the latter might still be of use, be it in negotiations with Russia or in future elections. Unfortunately, they are now at odds with the position of the majority and the position of the majority of the Servant of the People faction. They even went for nationwide hatred and disdain, suspending the Verkhovna Rada until the end of August in order to do nothing about Moscow priests," Pavlenko said.

The MP spoke about ways to counteract the Moscow Patriarchate and the requirements of European Solidarity to local councils in particular.

"There is already a case against the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. I think the same will be true for the Pochayiv Lavra. There are also cases concerning several less significant churches. This is a long process because they go to the courts. Even if the first instance is on the side of the state and forces them to leave, they file appeals, thus delaying the process. They pay lawyers generously. There is a second way, though.

"European Solidarity requires local councils to make decisions to terminate lease agreements, life leases, etc. Yet, in doing so, we face the opposition of supporters of the Moscow Patriarchate. Not only the "servants" but also all kinds of local parties say: "This is the church, so you have to be more careful." Therefore, must put pressure on them. We need to constantly monitor the situation and keep this issue under control. The only thing the authorities are afraid of is publicity, for it helps to move the situation forward. These are the ways to go. The adoption of this law will 'untie the hands' of many those in local authorities who are now in doubt," the MP summarized.

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