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The number of signatures required for discussion of the bill to ban the ROC is close to sufficient - MP

02 July, 11:17

Supporters of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine are nervous as the number of signatures required to discuss a bill to ban the Moscow Church is approaching the number needed to pass a resolution.

This was reported by Rostyslav Pavlenko, according to the press service of the ES ("European Solidarity") party.

"Their jitteriness gives them away," Pavlenko noted, "though they might think themselves very cunning. They publish articles that later can be used in courses on countering manipulation as test material.

Just have a look at the illustration below:"


"It is an outright lie that the draft law on the ban of the Moscow Church 'essentially bans the UOC'. Well, they have set up their 'customer': if the UOC is not the same as the MP, there is nothing to fear. Yet, the MP is "in unity with Orthodoxy through the Moscow Church" after all, according to the letter of Patriarch Alexy. However, the law is about a choice that will have to be made rather than a 'ban'. You are either with God and Ukraine or with heretic Kirill and Putin's Russia.

It's an example of outright sycophancy: "the most famous lawyer in Amsterdam". His work with the Novinsky's and his defense of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine made him 'famous'. It will become clear soon enough whether he will thank us for this 'fame'.

An attempt to play on the fears of Zelensky and his office: "The project is beneficial to Poroshenko". The project benefits Ukraine as it cuts off the powerful and most famous 'tentacle' of the "Russian world", per the terminology used in the article. That is why Poroshenko and European Solidarity support it.

Those who do not support it probably wish to keep that tentacle in Ukraine... and there are many other things. However, such publications have their benefits. Those opposing the ban on the Moscow church can evaluate the arguments' quality and consider the side they take and whether it is worth it," Rostyslav Pavlenko emphasized.

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