The President signed the Law on the Spiritual Independence of Ukraine

25 August, 16:45
The President signed the Law on the Spiritual Independence of Ukraine - фото 1
On the eve of the 23rd, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed the law on the spiritual independence of our country adopted by the Verkhovna Rada.

The Head of State made this statement during the celebrations on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine. This was reported by the official website of the Head of State.

“This is the law that protects Ukrainian Orthodoxy from dependence on Moscow and guarantees the dignity of the shrines of our Ukrainian people,” he concluded.

The laws of the defense package have also been signed.

In particular, this is the law guaranteeing full support to Ukrainian warriors operating in the territory of the aggressor state, and the law granting Ukrainian citizenship to legionnaires.

“Anyone who feels life and independence in the same way as Ukrainians, who fights alongside Ukrainians, deserves to be among the citizens of Ukraine,” Volodymyr Zelensky said.