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The Romanian Orthodox Church has taken another step in recognizing the Orthodox Church of Ukraine

23.10.2021, 11:04

This is evidenced by the joint divine service of the hierarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Nifont of Trigoviste (Miheice), with the hierarch of the OCU, Archbishop Nestor (Pysyk) of Ternopil and Kremenets.

As reported by the Spiritual Front of Ukraine, in Orthodoxy the concelebration can only be practised with priests or bishops who are not schismatics or heretics. Thus, the Romanian Orthodox Church sees no serious canonical obstacles to the recognition of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and the establishment of Eucharistic unity with it.

"Metropolitan Nifont of Targoviste was one of the participants of the non-canonical meeting in Amman, which was aimed at promoting Russian interests in ecumenical Orthodoxy. Taking this into account, we can assume that this Romanian hierarch has changed his views on the initiatives of the Moscow Patriarchate," the SFU said in a statement.

Earlier, The Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epifaniy, called the Romanian Orthodox Church one of those ready to recognize the OCU. Also, the recognition of the local Ukrainian Church in the near future is likely from the Georgian, Bulgarian and Albanian churches.

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