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The UOC-MP cynically reacted to the "deterioration of the situation in the Donbas": not a word about the aggressor

21.04.2021, 13:58
Antony (Pakanych)

Керуючий справами цієї Церкви митрополит Антоній (Паканич) закликав “усі сторони, від яких залежить питання деескалації ситуації на Донбасі, докласти усіх можливих та неможливих зусиль для недопущення розгортання нової війни”.

Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanych), the head of the church's Affairs, called on "all parties on whom the issue of de-escalation of the situation in the Donbas depends, to make all possible and impossible efforts to prevent the deployment of a new war."

He notes that his church "constantly prays for the end of hostilities and supports those who have suffered and are suffering from them."

"At the same time, we, again and again, call on all parties on which the issue of de-escalation of the situation in the Donbas depends to make all possible and impossible efforts to prevent the deployment of a new war. This is our great and common duty – both believers and those who love their native land and wish it all the best. After all, as St. Basil the great said, "nothing is more typical for a Christian than to be a peacemaker, and for this, The Lord promised us his greatest reward," he wrote on his Facebook page.

In the comments under the article, they called his words "cynical and dismissive," Religiyna Pravda reports.

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