Ukrainian intellectuals ask Filaret not to create anxiety in hearts of faithful

Some Ukrainian intellectuals turned to Patriarch Emeritus Filaret with a request to channel the discussion of all acute issues to the representative Church bodies and to refrain from public discussions or interviews that can create anxiety among Orthodox Ukrainians -- and please the enemies of the state.
This is stated in the appeal of the Ukrainian intellectuals to the Patriarch Emeritus, UKRINFORM reports.
"We deeply respect You as a spiritual guide not only of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, but also of the Ukrainian nation, Your contribution to the spiritual and material support of Ukrainian soldiers. That is why we want the authority of the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, including Your indisputable authority, not to be questioned. Let those who are trying to guide You to the detriment of the unity of our Church, incite to confrontation within our Church, putting for judgement before the believers and Ukrainian community, and thereby undermining the spiritual forces of our people, discrediting the life path you have covered, let them steer clear from our common holy cause," the appeal says.
Intellectuals warn Bishop Filaret that "the Kremlin-backed church authorities skillfully organize propaganda campaigns required to maintain their Imperial influence", and "under the guise of this controversy, the Moscow-backed forces deliberately hamper the transition of the parishes in the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, attack the Cathedral Church of Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and arrange for the dissemination of the Moscow-spread junk information".
Concluding the letter, the signatories note: "Therefore, we ask You, Your Holiness, in order to ensure the unity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, to preserve its authority within Ukraine and in the Orthodox world, to delegate the discussion of all pressing issues to the representative Church bodies determined for this purpose by the Charter of the Church. We draw Your attention to the fact that the vast majority of disagreements announced in the media as signs of a split (including the issue of obtaining the Patriarchal status of our Church, the formation of the Synod, relations with the Constantinople and other churches) are working issues. Their consistent solution is possible in a friendly discussion and dialogue. Public attention and sensation-seeking journalists can't give good fruit. It is for the sake of the good of the Church and Ukraine that we ask You, Your Holiness, to refrain in the near future from any public discussions or interviews that may cause anxiety and uncertainty among the Orthodox people and delight the enemies of Ukraine. We believe that Your prayer and Your wisdom of a spiritual guide will be an edifying guideline for all of us for many years to come."
The signatories include People's Artist of Ukraine Taras Kompanichenko, writers Dmytro Pavlychko, Pavlo Movchan, political prisoners Bohdan Horyn, Oles Shevchenko, Vasyl Ovsiyenko, participants of the Council for the Revival of the Autocephalous Church of Ukraine Oleksandr Tkachuk and Oleksandr Hudyma, Honorary Academic of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine Mykola Zhulynskyi, Director General of the National Historical Museum Tetyana Sosnovska, Director General of the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life Oksana Poviakel, Director General of the National Museum of Literature Halyna Soroka, Rector of the National University of Ostroh Academy Ihor Pasichnyk, professors and religious experts Oleksandr Sahan, Anatoly Kolodny and Lyudmila Fylypovych and others.