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Ukrainians have the most trust in the army, volunteers and the Church – survey results

26.01.2022, 16:17

The army, volunteers, ordinary people in their locality and the Church continue to enjoy the greatest trust in Ukrainian society. At the same time, compared to December 2020, there is an increase in confidence in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to Ukrinform, this is evidenced by the results of the All-Ukrainian public opinion poll "omnibus", which was conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of sociology (KIIS) on December 3-11, 2021.

"The army is trusted by a total of 72% of Ukrainians, and the balance of trust and distrust is +60%. Compared to December 2020, the share of those who trust increased by 6 percentage points, and the balance of trust-distrust – by 8 percentage points. At the same time, there are noticeable regional differences – the share of those who trust the army decreases from West to East, but at the same time, in all regions, the majority of respondents trust the Armed Forces of Ukraine (from 81% in the west to 52% in the East) with a clear positive balance of trust and distrust (from +75% in the west to +28% in the East). Also, compared to December 2020, there is a tendency to increase confidence in the army in all regions," the report says.

Also, the majority of respondents trust volunteers (68%, balance – +57%) and ordinary people in their locality (63%, balance – +51%), and 51% trust the church with a balance of +27%. In the case of volunteers and the Church, the indicators have not changed compared to 2020 (changes within the margin of error), and in the case of ordinary people, there is a 4 percentage point decrease in both the share of those who trust them and the balance sheet. In the regional dimension, trust in ordinary people is about the same in different regions. In the case of volunteers, there is a tendency to reduce trust from West to east (from 75% to 60%). As for the Church, the West stands out from other regions, where 67% trust the Church against 41-47% in other regions.

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