UOC-MP Primate Greeted Viktor Yanukovych on His Election as President of Ukraine

16.02.2010, 09:24
UOC-MP Primate Greeted Viktor Yanukovych on His Election as President of Ukraine

According to the web site of the UOC-MP, Metropolitan Volodymyr greeted Viktor Yanukovych on his election as president of Ukraine on behalf of the hierarchs, clergymen, and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-MP.

UOC-MP Primate Greeted Viktor Yanukovych on His Election as President of UkraineKYIV – According to the web site of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP), the head of the UOC-MP, Metropolitan Volodymyr, greeted Viktor Yanukovych in a telephone conversation on his election as president of Ukraine on behalf of the hierarchs, clergymen, and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-MP.   

The same day the official greeting of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was sent and was posted on the UOC-MP site on February 15, 2010. Please see the text below.



Honorable Viktor Fedorovych!

On behalf of the Plenitude of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – its episcopate, clergy, and faithful – we greet You on the election to the responsible post of president of Ukraine.   

The presidential ministry, to which the Lord has called You is as honorable as it is responsible. The Lord entrusts into Your hands the rule of the state with multi-million and multinational population.  The head of the state, as the head of a large family, is to act for the country on the whole, and for each citizen in particular. That was stated in Your electoral program. The people believed You. Justify the confidence of the people.  

Ukraine is traditionally an Orthodox state. We know that You have a clear understanding of the fact. We believe that You understand that without a spiritual component whose basis is the Law of God, the full-fledged development of our country is impossible.  

We invoke God's blessing on You and pray for our God-preserved state, its authorities and armed forces.  May the liturgical words with which the Church prays to the Lord for You and all the state authorities come true:   "And for all those in public service; permit them, Lord, to serve and govern in peace that through the faithful conduct of their duties we may live peaceful and serene lives in all piety and holiness."   


† Volodymyr,
Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine,
Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

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