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Verkhovna Rada decided to rename Chervonohrad to Sheptytskyi

20 September, 13:30

At a meeting on Thursday, September 19, the Verkhovna Rada decided to rename 327 settlements as part of the decommunization legislation. In particular, the city of Chervonohrad in the Lviv region was renamed.

The resolution was voted for by 281 MPs, reports.

According to the decision of the MPs, Chervonohrad district will also have a new name - Sheptytskyi district.

In addition, eight other villages in the Lviv region received new names.

Earlier, the Parliamentary Committee on the Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning decided to rename the city of Chervonohrad in Lviv Oblast to Sheptytskyi.

However, during a public discussion and electronic voting, some local residents opposed the change of Chervonohrad's name. During the electronic voting, the option of renaming the city Sheptytskyi received 100 votes and took third place.

Members of the Chervonohrad City Council did not agree to consider an appeal to the parliament to rename the city, so the decision was made by the Verkhovna Rada.

The historical name of Chervonohrad is Krystynopil. The city was founded in 1692 by the crown hetman of Poland, Feliks Kazimierz Potocki, and named in honor of his wife, Krystyna Lubomyrska. The city retained this name until November 3, 1951, when the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR established the Zabuzhsky district and the Chervonohrad City Council.

In 1892, the future Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky took his vows at the Sviatoyursky Monastery of the Basilian Fathers in what was then known as Krytynopol. In 1898-1899, Andrey Sheptytskyi taught theology in the same monastery.

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