On May 8, 2010, a commemoration of the victims of WWII will be held in Lviv.
The event is initiated by the Justice and Peace Committee and the Committee for Promoting Christian Unity of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. It will be held with the assistance of the Ukrainian Catholic University and the Lviv City Council.
“On May 8, European countries mark the Day of Remembrance of all the victims of WWII. By prayer, moments of silence, cleaning up graves, and discussions we wish to respect the victims of WWII, promote purging our memory of the war from ideological myths, mark the victory over the Nazism, remember the crimes of Communism and all the totalitarian regimes,” said the head of the Justice and Peace Committee of UGCC, Lesia Kovalenko.
Volunteers cane register at one of the following numbers: (067) 392 83 58, (032) 243 78 92 or jpc@ugcc.org.ua