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XIII International Interreligious Youth Seminar arch starts on July 3

03.07.2018, 10:13

The opening of the XIII International Interreligious Youth Seminar “Ark” (“Kovcheh”) of 2018 took place on July 3, 2018, at 11.00. at the Center for the Peace and Reunification of the Parish of the Roman Catholic Church in Bilshivtsi (Ivano-Frankivsk region).

The opening of the XIII International Interreligious Youth Seminar “Ark” (“Kovcheh”) of 2018 took place on July 3, 2018, at 11.00. at the Center for the Peace and Reunification of the Parish of the Roman Catholic Church in Bilshivtsi (Ivano-Frankivsk region).

The solemn closing will take place on July 10, 2018, at 12.00, at the General Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Lviv (Ivan Franko St. 108).

Participating in the seminar will be over 40 people, citizens of Ukraine of different nationalities – Ukrainians, Poles, Jews and Crimean Tatars.

The idea of the Ark: young people, who will soon constitute a new Ukrainian elite, guided by the prominent scholars, philosophers and public figures will learn through the workshop about the historical and cultural aspects of each nation, discuss their implications, seek ways to overcome historical conflicts that are still obstructing the interethnic dialogue.

The program of the seminar “Ark” traditionally consists of several sections:

The organizers of the workshop are as follows:

To implement the seminar program scientists and public figures from Ukraine, Poland were invited, including, among the others:

The closing ceremony will take place on July 10: Rafal Wolski, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Lviv, Oksana Guz, Director of Gnat Khotkevich Lviv City Palace of Culture, Igor Shchupak, Director of the Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies “Tkuma” and the Museum “Memory of the Jewish People and the Holocaust in Ukraine” (Dnipro), Ali Aliev, Program Director of the State Enterprise “Crimean House” and co-founder of the Civic Organization Crimean Tatar Cultural Center “Crimean House” in Lviv.

The seminar “Ark” has been held since 2006. For the five consecutive years, it had taken place at the Univ Holy Dormition Lavra of the Studite Rite, where during the Second World War priests and monks of the Greek Catholic Church under the leadership of Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky and his brother Archimandrite Klimentiy Sheptytsky saved Jewish children from the Holocaust's flame, and also provided assistance to Ukrainian and Polish children. In subsequent years, the seminar was held at the Center for Peace and Reunification of the Parish of the Roman Catholic Church in Bilshivtsi (Ivano-Frankivsk oblast). From 2015 to 2017, the Seminar again was hosted by the Univ Holy Dormition Lavra of the Studite Rite. This year the seminar is back to Bilshivtsi.

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