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Christian Charity Fund In Ivano-Frankivsk To Deliver Lectures on AIDS

27.02.2002, 13:56

In order to prevent the spread of HIV, a course of lectures on AIDS will be conducted for students of higher educational institutions in the Ivano-Frankivsk region (western Ukraine) from 26 to 28 February 2002. Employees of “Solidarity,” a Christian charity fund, will deliver lectures at the Medical Academy, the National Technical Oil and Gas University and Vasyl Stefanyk Carpathian University. The course will be given in the form of a dialogue with the use of visual aids and methodological literature. The Carpathian Information and Advertising Agency posted the news on 22 February 2002.
The initiative for organizing the course of lectures on AIDS for youth came from the Joint Student Council of the region, the regional Family and Youth Department and the regional Committee on Combating Drug Abuse and AIDS, which is headed by the deputy of the Regional State Administration, Bohdan Tomenchuk. Source:

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