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Crimean Muslims Pray for US Victims of Terrorism

23.10.2001, 10:57

At the request of the local Muslim community a memorial service was held in Symferopol (Crimea, southern Ukraine) on Sunday 21 October 2001 to honor the memory of victims of terrorism in the United States of America.

The service was held in the cathedral church of Saints Volodymyr and Olha, Equal to the Apostles (Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Kyivan Patriarchate, forty days after the terrorist attacks on September 11. (The Eastern Christian Churches traditionally hold a special memorial service 40 days after someone’s death.) The gathering was organized by the Mejlis (the representative organ of the Crimean Tatar nation), and the Crimean branches of the National Rukh (“Movement”) and Ukrainian Republican Parties. The participants said that Christians, Muslims and representatives of other religions of the world should unite before the threat of terrorism and support the antiterrorist activities of the USA and its allies in Afghanistan. Information taken from the Ukrainian-language site,

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