On April 15, 2010, the Supreme Council passed in the first draft of the State Program of Economic and Social Development of Ukraine for 2010.
KYIV – On April 15, 2010, the Supreme Council passed in the first draft of the State Program of Economic and Social Development of Ukraine for 2010. The document envisages various steps of the Cabinet of Ministers regarding the social and economic development of the country for the current year. A number of them deal with church-state relations, reports the Institute of Religious Freedom.
The draft includes a list of main problems regarding the formation of a tolerant society. Item 2.7 of the Section “Humanitarian Sphere” mentions the necessity to bring the law on the freedom of worship in line with international standards and international obligations of Ukraine.
The document also states that the process of restitution of religious buildings and other church property to religious organizations has not been completed and that further harmonization of church-state relations is needed. In addition, the document points to a threat of inter-confessional and international conflicts, manifestations of radicalism, and religious extremism.
Firm establishment of the freedom of conscience and religion is defined as one of the main objectives in the work of the formation of the tolerant society.