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Chaplains Take Part in Conference of Sevastopol Union of Ukrainian Officers

25.03.2010, 12:00

In the P. S. Nakhimov Sevastopol Military Academy with the participation of military chaplains who represented different denominations a conference was held of the Sevastopol public organization Union of Ukrainian Officers.

In the past few days, in the P. S. Nakhimov Sevastopol Military Academy with the participation of military chaplains who represented different denominations (the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) by Fr. Mykola Kvych, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Kyivan Patriarchate (UOC-KP) by the monk priest Macarius, and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) by Archimandrite Seraphim) a conference was held of the Sevastopol public organization Union of Ukrainian Officers, which cooperates with the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (NF-AFU) and is one of the biggest military bodies that helps the institute of military chaplaincy work in the NF-AFU.  It was decided at the conference that the NF-AFU will take part in the all-Ukrainian military pilgrimage to the Miraculous Maria Center of Zarvanytsia.  So reported the Information Department of UGCC on 21 March, 2010.

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