Exhibition of works by Johann George Pinsel opens in Ternopil

The reconstructed hall of works of the world-renowned 18th century sculptor Johann George Pinsel opened on November 20, in Ternopil Regional Museum.
Among the masterpieces that anyone may see are the figure allegories of Faith, Courage, Wisdom, St. Francis Borgia, reliefs “Cutoff of John the Baptist’s head”,“The Miracle of St. Nicholas” and the gates from the ancient temples of Buchach. Also, the visitors are demonstrated the old master’s works of the in Buchach churches, attributed to one of the first professional artists of Ternopil of the nineteenth century Brunonids Kalishevskyi.
The originals of these pictures are also kept in the museum. The exhibition includes a portrait of Pinsel’s patron Count Nicholas Potocki.”
“At many conferences we have to defend the idea that Johann George Pinsel is a Ukrainian artist. For Poles, Germans, Czechs also speak of him as their master ... but he lived, married and worked with us in Buchach. He is a man of good European education, he came to us and combines the tradition of education with the tradition of local folk art, creating a new style of ‘expressive baroque,’” says the years-long researcher of Pinsel’s works and the author of books about the master Vira Stetsko. “Today we can speak of already 40 students of Johann George Pinsel!”
The exhibited masterpieces are the same ones that two years ago took over the French Louvre.
“So you do not have to stand in long lines in Paris. You can just grab a friend and come here to the ernopil Regional Museum,” says the Ternopil singer and songwriter, Deputy Mayor Alexander Smyk.
The museum workers emphasize that the room has all the necessary conditions for preserving the sculptures of Pinsel: they constantly monitor the humidity level and keep the temperature at 15C.
“These are the optimal conditions,” continues Vira Stetsko. “We are so grateful to Kyiv restoration centers for their work. It has been two years after repairs, and we do not see any changes.”
The exhibition was opened with a prayer and the priestly blessing and spiritual songs performed by the students of Ternopil seminary of Patriarch Joseph Slipyy. The celebrations were concluded by the chant “Great and only God.”
Besides,there are stands in the hall, where you can see the literature that has been published during many years about John Pinsel and his works.