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Golden Rose Synagogue in Lviv is saved: the court bans the hotel construction

03.07.2020, 13:23
Golden Rose Synagogue in Lviv

On July 2, Zakhidny Economic Court of Appeal ruled a judgment that repealed the developers’ title to a part of the Turei Zagav (Golden Rose) Synagogue estate.

Due to this fact, not only the monuments of local and national significance but also those of world significance have been preserved, since UNESCO protects them. This is reported by Forpost.

According to Tetyana Mogynska, a lawyer who also represents the American Association of the Committees for Jews of the Former Soviet Union, illegal schemes of the Lviv City Council and developers - one of the LLCs of the Lviv city Council aimed at taking possession of public lands and monuments - have been exposed.

“We hope that today's court decision, which comes into force immediately, will put the final point in this story, where there were fraud and manipulation," the lawyer commented for "Fortpost". Since 2011, there has been a dispute over the provision by the Lviv City Council of a land plot at 28 Fedorova street that belongs to the synagogue with a view of the construction of a hotel. Our organization got it canceled even earlier. Thus, they defended their right to this land plot. When the rain flooded the pit, the Halych District Administration granted permission to LLC “Ukrainian Investment Systems” allegedly to carry out emergency rescue works, and they instead began to build up this site. Meanwhile, the developer UIS was issued the title to the unfinished construction facility - the pit and the structures that they erected. LLC UIS further transferred this property to the authorized capital of LLC “Lviv Traditions”. Thus, we were dealing with unauthorized construction. Now this title has been judicially revoked."

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