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Heads of Parliamentary Groups In Support of Churches Met With Their Hierarchs

22.02.2013, 10:42

On 20 February, Metropolitan Volodymyr of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate met in St. Panteleimon’s Monastery in Kyiv with the head of the Inter-factional association of deputies in support of the canonical Orthodox Church of the Supreme Council, Vadim Koliesnichenko (Party of Regions faction).

On 20 February, Metropolitan Volodymyr of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate met in St. Panteleimon’s Monastery in Kyiv with the head of the Inter-factional association of deputies in support of the canonical Orthodox Church of the Supreme Council, Vadim Koliesnichenko (Party of Regions faction). The metropolitan gave his blessing for the activity of the association and presented an Icon of the Mother of God to Koliesnichenko.

On the same day, Secretary of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Kyivan Patriarchate, Archbishop Yevstratii of Chernihiv and Nizhyn met with the head of the inter-factional deputy group “For One Local Orthodox Church,” Oleh Medunytsia (deputy of the Motherland faction). Archbishop Yevstratii on behalf of Patriarch Filaret thanked Oleh Medunytsia and all the members of the deputy group for the initiative and readiness for cooperation. The participants also discussed further steps of the group.

Let us remind the readers that Vadym Koliesnichenko and Oleh Medunytsia recently had a fight with each other in the Parliament.

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