The Forum will be held October, 30 - December, 11 2021, states the decree of the Head of the Church.
“A deliberative voice of representatives of the whole Church is an invaluable help for its Father and Head as well as for the Synod of Bishops in solving key issues especially in apostolic mission. Thus, in accordance with norms of canons 140-142 of the Code of Canons of the Oriental Churches, we are convening All Church Forum of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church and state that the first online session is held October 30, the second – December 11, 2021”, as stated in the document.
“This Forum is supposed to become a platform for an all-Church discussion of issues raised by the Synod of Bishops in order to follow the “synodal path” with Catholic Church”, the Head of the Church explains in his letter to bishops of the UGCC.
He also informs that Secretariat of VII session of Patriarchal Council suggest that each Church structure delegates: a bishop, a priest, a monk, a nun and a layman to participate in the Council.
The letter of the Head of the Church also states that during the first session bishop-auxiliary of Ternopil and Zboriv archeparchy bishop Teodor Martyniuk will deliver a speech “About the synodal path of the Church”. During the second meeting the valid bishop of Parma, bishop Bohdan Danylo will be speaking about “A relevant situation of a GreekCatholic family: merits and demerits of the home Church, living by faith online, migration processes within closed borders and open virtual reality”. Hence, the delegates will be listened to during the Forum.