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Kirill (Gundyayev) made another cynical statement about Russia's war in Ukraine

20.07.2023, 10:00

On July 19, 2023, while delivering a report at the plenary session of the Russian Orthodox Church's Hierarchical Council, Kirill spoke about his perspective on the reasons behind "the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine."

In his report, he declared, "The current armed confrontation reflects a more global clash of civilizations, involving the leadership of Ukraine and its population, who have been deceived. The internal strife that was provoked among kindred and co-religious people of Russia and Ukraine and is still fueled by foreign centers has evolved into an international, essentially global armed conflict."

Patriarch Kirill, who blesses Russians for killings in a neighboring state, also cynically expressed his pain at witnessing the events unfolding in Ukraine.

"Destroyed cities, sometimes to the ground, temples, monastic abodes. Entire territories become uninhabitable! I perceive with deep pain the sufferings and sorrows of peaceful people, especially since on both sides of the front lines are the children of the single Russian Orthodox Church."

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