Metropolitan Onufriy of the UOC-MP is still listed as a hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church
Information about Metropolitan Onufriy is still available on the website of the Moscow Patriarchate as a hierarch of the Russian Church as of mid-September.
According to Yaroslav Kotsyuba, an expert and religious scholar, "one can modify the statute, one can say that the connection with the Russian Orthodox Church is only "spiritual". One can hide behind the SBU and government agencies," but the fact remains.
On May 27, the Council of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate decided on the alleged "complete autonomy and independence from the Russian Orthodox Church."
Нагадаємо, що 27 травня Собор Української Православної Церкви Московського Патріархату ухвалив рішення про ніби то "повну самрстійність і незалежність від РПЦ".