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On the eve of the parade in Moscow, Kirill once again justified the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

09.05.2022, 13:20

On the eve of Victory Day, Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church celebrated a Liturgy at the main military Church of the Russian Federation in Kubinka near Moscow, following which he once again expressed support for the aggression unleashed by Putin in Ukraine. Today he attended the parade.

According to Russian media, Kirill once again assured that "Russia does not want to seize and occupy anyone, it does not want to pump out resources from anyone, because it is peaceful and self-sufficient." This is reported by Glavkom.

According to him, Russia is at war with "the world's centers of power, which today are becoming hostile to it."

To do this, Russians must "consolidate all their forces, both spiritual and material, so that no one dares to encroach on the sacred borders of the Fatherland."

Addressing the servicemen who attended the liturgy, he urged them to be inspired by the examples of Dmitry Donskoy and Alexander Nevsky, commanders Mikhail Kutuzov, Alexander Suvorov, Pavel Nakhimov, Mikhail Skobelev, Georgy Zhukov and the entire "brilliant galaxy" of Soviet Marshals. The same people were listed today by Putin in his speech at the parade of victory frenzy.

At the same time, Kirill asks not to interpret his words "as another military speech of the Patriarch."

Before that, in order to encourage Russians to mobilize in the Russian army and go to fight in Ukraine, Kirill delivered a propagandistic speech, in which he called on his flock to rally around the current government and serve it, even if they have to die.

Kirill also claimed that Russia did not attack anyone.

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