Over 405,000 Ukrainian Children Become First Graders

01.09.2010, 12:39
Over 405,000 Ukrainian Children Become First Graders - фото 1
The 1st of September is known as the Day of Knowledge – the first day of school for Ukrainian children and students (a tradition that has remained from Soviet times).

bell.jpg The 1st of September is known as the Day of Knowledge – the first day of school for Ukrainian children and students (a tradition that has remained from Soviet times). In schools across the country the first school bell is heard – the sign that summer vacation is over and that the new academic year begins. This year there are 405,000 first graders (393,000 last year), and all together there are over 4.3 million pupils in schools.

Traditionally in western Ukraine children begin the new school year with a prayer in churches. Priests of different denominations give their blessing to children and pray for good health and God’s help during the school year.