"Our Crimea" – A Local History Competition from RISU

The Religious Information Service of Ukraine and the Religious Tourism portal invite all to take part in a competition of religious and local history material called “Our Crimea.”
We have already held several local history competitions to draw attention to the sacred heritage of Ukraine. This year we want to highlight the extraordinary pearl of the Black Sea – Crimea. For ages it has been inhabited by people of different cultures, traditions, and religions. It is the cradle of Christianity in Eastern Europe, the birthplace Crimean Karaism, and, of course, of Crimean Tatar culture.
We invite journalists, local historians, travelers, and anyone interested in this subject and who has a talent for writing and creating to compete.
We are seeking original local history material (articles, photo reports, videos) on the sacred monuments, museum collections, religious history of the area, and the spiritual and cultural traditions of the people of Crimea.
Each author can submit several materials.
Basic requirements for the submitted material:
— We only accept original texts, photos, and videos (artwork for the text oesn’t have to be the author’s, but the author must have the proper consent for its use), which have never been published, including in print or electronic media (!);
— Images must have captions;
— All sources used in articles must be listed;
— Articles should be written for the general public.
After reading your article, the reader should have the impression that he or she has been to the area you describe, has seen what you wrote about, and must feel motivated to return.
When sending materials, please also send your resume.
Please send your materials to [email protected] with a note “for the competition.”
The most interesting materials will be published on our Religious Tourism portal.
A special jury will chose the winners, who will receive awards and gifts from RISU.
The competition lasts from April 1 to July 31, 2014. The results of the competition will be published on RISU’s website after August 20, 2014.
Good Luck!