Sociology shows the collapse of support for MP in Ukraine, - speaker of the OCU

27.04.2022, 17:00
Sociology shows the collapse of support for MP in Ukraine, - speaker of the OCU - фото 1
While the leaders of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine say that they "after the war will think about how we will think about what to do, but this is not for sure," sociology in March registered a collapse in support for the MP among its former followers.

Archbishop Yevstratiy (Zoria) wrote about this on Facebook.

"In March, only 1/4 of those who considered themselves faithful of the MP back in February remained there (out of 15% on the scale of Ukraine, the share of those who favored the MP decreased to 4%).

At the same time, affiliation with the OCU increased from 38% to 52%.

The number of Orthodox Christians who have not decided on their jurisdiction has also sharply halved - from 22% to 11%.

So the process of changing communities ' subordination is objective, and it is artificially restrained by external obstacles while believers have already decided. Let me remind you, this is the data for March - even before the reports of the Russian massacre in Bucha and other crimes of the Russian world," the OCU spokesman said in a note.