"The attackers intended to shut an Iron Curtain over Ukraine, but the door to Europe was opened for us," - Head of the OCU

24.06.2022, 08:58
"The attackers intended to shut an Iron Curtain over Ukraine, but the door to Europe was opened for us," - Head of the OCU - фото 1
"Four months of full-scale war, but also four months of heroic resistance. Pain, sadness and loss, but at the same time resilience, hope and solidarity. Intimidation, threats and lies, but at the same time insight, destruction of myths and exposure of the pernicious ideology of the Russian World. The attackers sought to isolate Ukraine and received its support from the entire civilized world. They wanted to shut an Iron Curtain over it, instead, the door to Europe opened for us.

The Primate of the OCU wrote about this on Facebook today, on June 24, in the fourth month of the rashist war against Ukraine.

"No one in the world will ever confuse Russia and Ukraine. The inferiority complex of Ukrainians has been dispelled and faded into oblivion. There is no longer any doubt about the state Ukrainian language. We understood and were convinced by our own experience (each in his own way) – how distant Ukrainians are from the northern people who were called our "brother", and now forever bear Cain's killer brand.

During these four months, our people have realized that it is impossible to be indifferent because, with tacit consent and inaction, great misfortunes happen. We have overestimated many things and changed our attitude toward the true values of life. We learned to believe in spite of everything and unite for the sake of others. We are able to share, show love and mercy, help and save, unite and sacrifice, sometimes even the most valuable things, our own lives.

In all this, we are so different from those who want to destroy us and seize our property, our country – from the Russian Horde, from criminals, murderers, rapists, looters and liars. Everything should be called by its proper names, so as not to allow propaganda delusions and lies to spread further, but to bear witness to the truth. Because the Lord taught us this," Metropolitan Epiphanius said in the post.