Religious and moral education of Ukrainian youth is a challenge for the entire modern educational system. Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine Yuriy Reshetnikov was reported as saying this at the opening of the Third all-Ukrainian Congress of Teachers of Religious and Moral Subjects.
Religious and moral education of Ukrainian youth is a challenge for the entire modern educational system. Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine Yuriy Reshetnikov was reported as saying this at the opening of the Third all-Ukrainian Congress of Teachers of Religious and Moral Subjects.
“The new education system is a kind of hometask for us. However, it is also a challenge for us because we have to rethink the system of education and training of the new generation. But our model of development needs to include international experience, which will be presented at the Congress,” said the expert.
The event is traditionally hosted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Public Council under the Ministry of Education, Minor Academy of Sciences, Scientific Publishing Association “Spirit and Letter” together with the Center for religious studied of Dragomanov National Pedagogical University.
Changes within education started following recent decree N 580 of the President of Ukraine of 10.13.2015, which envisions eventual introduction of the subjects for moral and spiritual education of a child. The new law allowing religious organizations to establish their own educational institutions should also be kept in mind.
Nembrini Franco from Italy, the founder of La Trachcha school in Bergamo, a famous educator and a philosopher of education visited Kyiv to participate in the Congress.
The theses of his speech are available on RISU in Ukrainian.