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Together we are moving towards a great Victory, - Council of Churches on the second anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine

23 February, 16:52

The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations published an address on the second anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.

February 24, 2024 marks the two year anniversary since the start of the full-scale, unprovoked Russian aggression against Ukraine. This aggression from Russia, in violation of international norms and rules, actually began as early as 2014. This war has brought countless suffering to the Ukrainian people, and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. It brutally violates the human rights and freedoms in the temporarily occupied territories, including systematic violations of religious freedom. It has resulted in the destruction of historic cities and civilian infrastructure, causing the biggest migration crisis in Europe since the Second World War.

The enemy planned to seize Ukraine in a short time, counting days, weeks, months, etc. Those outside of the Ukrainian borders also believed that. But there were two things that simply could not have been calculated. Firstly, it is God's help to Ukraine and, secondly - the fortitude, and the indomitable spirit of the Ukrainian people, which comes from God. The heroic resistance of the Defense Forces of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people made it possible to stop the aggressor, destroy their plans and liberate a large part of the territory of Ukraine from the Russian occupation.

We express our gratitude to the Ukrainian defenders and raise our prayers to the Almighty, asking to bless them in the fight for the protection and freedom of Ukraine. We honor the memory of each of the fallen defenders, who gave their lives for Ukraine and pray that God will strengthen and comfort every Ukrainian family that suffered from the consequences of the war! We are thankful for the help and support to the Defense Forces of Ukraine provided by various volunteer organizations, civil society and individual Ukrainians.

We express our gratitude to international partners, churches and all people of good will. These allies have helped with either words or concrete actions. They have shown respect for the value of human life, alleviated the suffering caused by the war and helped Ukrainians in their fight for the freedom and independence of the Motherland from the Russian invasion.

We call on the Ukrainian people to remain courageous in this struggle of good against evil, to believe in the victory of light over darkness, to support each other, to be united and maintain unity. We urge you to "not give up" due to fatigue or resentment because of internal problems, not to accept the enemy's propaganda regarding "reconciliation" with the occupation. We should move together towards a great Victory and the establishment of a just peace.

We call upon the Ukrainian authorities, political and public leaders to take all measures to consolidate society, prevent discord within the country, fight corruption, protect freedom of religion from external manipulation, support domestic business, protect Ukrainians abroad and create appropriate conditions for their return. Carry out the necessary reforms for the benefit of the Ukrainian people and for the fast approach of our Victory.

We appeal to the international community, religious and political leaders of various states to continue working to protect Ukraine from Russian aggression, to help those who suffer from the consequences of this war. Help the return of Ukrainian children, civilians and prisoners of war illegally deported to Russia. Promote victory and the establishment of fair and stable peace in Ukraine.

We invoke God's blessing on Ukraine and the Ukrainian people!

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