UCU establishes a scholarship fund in memory of Yevheniia, Yaryna, Daria, and Emilia Bazylevych

25 September, 15:00
UCU establishes a scholarship fund in memory of Yevheniia, Yaryna, Daria, and Emilia Bazylevych - фото 1
In memory of UCU student Daria Bazylevych, her mother Yevhenia, and sisters Yaryna and Emilia, who were killed during the Russian shelling of Lviv, the Ukrainian Catholic University, together with her father Yaroslav Bazylevych and the National Scout Organization of Ukraine 'Plast', establish a sustainable scholarship fund (endowment).

This was reported by the UCU website.

The goal is to raise $100,000. This will allow UCU students to receive a scholarship every year to follow the ideals and principles the Bazylevych sisters and their mother demonstrated with their lives.

All of them were also active Plast members.

On the night of September 4, during another massive shelling of Lviv, a Russian missile took the lives of Daria, her two sisters, Yaryna and Emilia, and their mother, Yevheniia, while they were in the stairwell of their house, during an air raid.

UCU establishes a scholarship fund in memory of Yevheniia, Yaryna, Daria, and Emilia Bazylevych - фото 140519

Yaroslav Bazylevych, the father of three daughters, shared his story: “I was the richest and the happiest husband and father: I always knew that I had a treasure, for I had such a wonderful wife and such responsible, hardworking, beautiful, intelligent, proactive, patriotic children. I have always been proud of them and I always will be. They were supposed to have everything ahead of them. All of them. In an instant, I lost the diversity of feelings that all four of them, each in their own way, gave me during our life together. Today, I am left with the best, the happiest and the most beautiful memories, and the rest... All the rest has been torn away, amputated! I am asking everyone to help me create a sustainable scholarship fund in the name of Yevheniia, Yaryna, Daria and Emilia Bazylevich so that the world remembers their names.”

The goal is to raise $100,000 to create a sustainable scholarship fund (endowment). The endowment will allow generating a scholarship every year in memory of Yevheniia, Yaryna, Daria and Emilia Bazylevych. In this way, the university will be able to cover the tuition fees for talented students who, due to difficult life circumstances, are unable to pay for their education.

You can make a donation to the Bazylevych family fund at https://supporting.ucu.edu.ua/donate/?order=115.25

The tradition of endowments is widespread in many universities in the United States, Canada and Europe. Establishing a scholarship fund allows you to preserve and perpetuate the memory of a person. Thus, with the outbreak of full-scale war, UCU established 10 scholarship funds in honor of military personnel - students and graduates of the university - who died in the war.

“In world practice, one of the most effective ways to sustainably support teachers and students is to establish sustainable endowments,” says Natalia Klymovska, Vice-Rector for Development and Communications, ”Through the creation of the scholarship fund, we seek to pass on to future generations the values and ideals professed by Yevheniia, Yaryna, Daria, and Emilia Bazylevych. A sustainable scholarship fund is also an educational moment for future generations so that the victims of war are not forgotten. The memory of our fallen in this unjust war will live forever.”

Therefore, the Ukrainian Catholic University and Plast invite philanthropists to become founders of the scholarship fund named after Yevheniia, Yaryna, Daria and Emilia Bazylevych, and thus perpetuate the memory of the family and help future generations of Ukrainians to receive a quality education.

You can make a donation to the scholarship fund named after Yevheniia, Yaryna, Daria and Emilia Bazylevych:

In Ukraine:

– by following the link* https://supporting.ucu.edu.ua/donate/?order=115.25
– using bank details:

Recipient: Charitable organization “Charitable Foundation of the Ukrainian Catholic University”
EDRPOU code: 44047231
29a Stryiska St., Lviv, 79011, Ukraine.
р/рах. IBAN: UA 94 325365 0000000260030024527
JSC “Kredobank”, Ukraine, 79026, Lviv, 78 Sakharova str., MFO (sort code) 325365
Purpose of payment: voluntary donations to the Bazylevych family fund
In euros
Bank Address: Sakharova str. 78, Lviv 79026, Ukraine
IBAN: UA773253650000000260070024529
Intermediary: KBC BANK NV, Brussels, Belgium
IMPORTANT: In the NOTE field of your bank wire/money order please state: Charitable donation to the Bazylevych family fund. Please do not leave any other comments

In the USA, you can make a donation through our partner - Ukrainian Catholic University Foundation.
In Canada - our partner UCEF Canada.

In other currencies: https://supporting.ucu.edu.ua/donate/?order=student&studentship=richna-plus#1620818217293-1bd81577-179a

*Please make a donation in the equivalent of more than 1000 USD via bank details.