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UGCC urges to sign the petition for transferring St. Nicholas Church in Kyiv to Roman Catholics

07.12.2023, 19:10

The UGCC (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church) is urging people to sign petition number 41/005649–23еп on the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine's page. This petition advocates for transferring St. Nicholas Church in Kyiv to the Roman Catholic parish of St. Nicholas.

As of December 4th, over 13,000 citizens have signed the petition, aiming for the required 25,000 signatures. There are 54 days left to collect signatures, as reported by the UGCC Information Department.

The St. Nicholas Church had been used as a concert hall for many years. On June 1, 2022, the authorities promised to return it to the community, but this hasn't been fulfilled yet. After 85 years of being in state ownership, the church is on the verge of ruin, urgently needing repairs and restoration.

The UGCC is urging individuals to sign the online petition to preserve this unique Catholic church, an architectural landmark. For convenience, they provide a video guide to facilitate the signing process.


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