Ukraine will celebrate Pastor Appreciation Day 2020 on October 11
This is reported by Word about word citing the Christian Post.
In 1994, the American Christian organization Focus on Family began promoting Minister Month as a National Pastor Appreciation Month. The idea of the month of gratitude for ministers gave rise to the idea to allocate one specific day to encourage believers to show their gratitude to the clergy.
This day became known as Pastor Appreciation Day. In different countries, Pastor Appreciation Day is celebrated every second Sunday in October.
The initiators note that clergymen serve around the clock and gratitude to them can be an inspiration, as well as protect them from disappointments and emotional burnout.
"Being a pastor is not easy. This is considered one of the most stressful jobs, and it is reported that about 20,000 pastors leave the ministry every year, according to a report by the Christian Post.
Besides, Instagram (@posluzhy_pastoru) and Facebook have already launched the "Serve the Pastor" accounts, which publish useful materials for developing a culture of respect in churches.
Note that on October 13, 2019, the Pastor's Day was celebrated for the first time in Ukraine.